Well, we now only have a little over three weeks left of our time here. Due to some circumstances beyond my control, we are heading back Dec. 1. There is so much left undone here, my heart really aches. The girls, I know, will be fine. It is just the ideas, the future of the organization, the people we are getting to know and so much more that I hate to leave. Just today, as I stayed home from church with Kristi and a few other girls, I realized that I will so miss the relationships that we have formed here. As the rest of the girls were coming home from church, they were stopped by the guy that watches the chickens on our property. He said that he needed something for a fever. So, I went down there and asked what was going on and if he needed anything else, since there is a BAD flu going around. Nope, he informed me that it was Malaria. So the poor man, has been sleeping on the ground, miserable with malaria and just asked if we had something for the fever. Several Ibuprofen, and some lunch later, I hope he is feeling a little better. Soon after that, I get a call from another friend that was wondering if I had something for a fever for another person's daughter. It seems like everyone in our community is sick! So many times people knock at our door requesting some meds. Even though a lot is given them through the government, they still cannot afford even the basics. The other day I got stopped by our neighbor lady wondering if I had drops to give her that would help her see better. She is in her late 40's and said she is struggling to see. I told her I didn't think drops would do the trick, she probably needed glasses. She asked if I would give her mine. Ummm, tried to explain mine would do her little good since my problem is astigmatism. I did tell her I would see what I could do. I found out you can buy glasses and get a consult for about 90 soles which is equivalent to about $30.00. For her, that is a lot of money!! Am hoping to try to help her get some soon.
The fact is, there are so many people with so many needs that sometimes I feel quite overwhelmed and just do nothing. But as I face going back to the States, I worry even more about becoming apathetic to the call of Jesus to reach out and share the gospel with eveyrone. Sharing Jesus has become a daily thing in my life here. Talking about Him to our girls, our staff, having worship talks, and just being drawn to my knees due to circumstances in my life, has brought me so much closer to Him. I pray that somehow, wherever we end up, I wont lose that. Why is it so hard to stay focused in the United States? Hmmm...just wondering. Well, enough musings, praying that all of you will be drawn closer to our Saviour, our Lord, our Friend and that somehow you will find a way to share Him today with someone you know. God Bless....
Oops, I always forget something else I want to share! I have attached some photos of Matthew's birthday, his new Peru shirt and some other fun picutres. Enjoy!
Blowing the candle on the birthday cake! |
I love my kids!!! |
Matt's new Peru shrit |
Matthew with some of the family |
Matthew helping in the kitchen...grading Yuca |
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